Frequently Asked Questions
What do I need to buy for my child to play?
All players need their own gloves. Please place your child’s name on the glove in case it is misplaced or lost. Cleats (with rubber soles only) can be worn, but they are not required. In the 13+ year divisions, cleats are recommended.
When does my child get a UNIFORM?
Uniforms are distributed right before Opening Day if all fees and paperwork are in. Uniforms will not be ordered if all paperwork and payment is not in. Uniforms take about 3-4 weeks to arrive once ordered. Your manager will inform you of the distribution date, time and pick up location. You must make every effort to pick up uniforms as indicated or, if absolutely necessary, call your manager to make alternate arrangements. Uniforms consist of a jersey, pants, socks and a cap (belts for ages 9 and older).
When does the SEASON START/END?
The season for Tball begins late April (with a few practices before the season starts) and ends in late June with games typically on Sunday mornings.
Our 10-12 year olds (Minors-Majors Divisions) begin in early April and typically end late June/early July (dependent on Tournament play) with games typically Saturday and/or Sunday and two-to-three weekday games during the season.
Our 6-8 year olds begin in late April and season ends by mid-July with games typically on Saturdays and/or Sundays.
Our 13+ year divisions usually start late April and finish early August.
**These time frames may vary from year to year. Game days are dependent on Park permits.**
When are PRACTICES held and how often?
Practices begin in mid-March depending on the weather and the team manager. Team managers/coaches schedule practices usually in the late afternoon/early evening after their work schedule. At least one practice per week is required, but managers typically schedule two. Please make sure you or someone designated by you brings your child to practices and remains with him/her. Parents should let managers know 24-48 hours in advance if they cannot make practices or games. Managers may hold practices in spaces between Norfolk Street to 6th Street.
Who should I CALL about practices or games?
Call your manager or coach if you have questions about practices and/or games or the volunteer team parent may also assist with those questions.
We typically do not have games on these weekends unless your child is participating in a tournament.
What happens if my child MISSES A GAME?
Players who will be absent must call their manager or coach at least 24-48 hours in advance (2 hours before game time if child is sick day of game). Absences affect not only your team, but opposing teams also. Official games can only be played if at least nine players are present from each team. If there are not 9 players present by game time, the team will forfeit the game (a loss) and the opposing team shows up and no game is played.
What happens when it RAINS?
League officials decide if fields are playable on the day of games, not before. If games are cancelled due to bad weather, league officials will notify managers who will notify parents.